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Loftus Plastic Surgery Center

Natural Results from a National Expert

Right Here In Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

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Laser Hair Removal

For Unwanted Hair

On this page, Dr. Loftus will clarify issues pertaining to laser hair removal. Women have long tried to rid themselves of unwanted hair of the face, legs, underarms, abdomen, and groin. Waxing, plucking, and electrolysis have proven painful and must be repeated regularly. Laser hair removal is the newest treatment trend.

Laser Hair Removal

The laser causes controlled damage to hair follicles, causing them to go into shock temporarily. While in shock, the follicles do not generate hair. About three to six treatments are recommended over three years for the best results. Hair will eventually return but may not do so for 2-4 months in most people (really lucky people will go for 6-12 months without re-growth). When hair returns, it is usually thinner and lighter, with (typically) 75% reduction in hair growth. Arrested hair growth following six treatments has been reported but should not be expected.

The Treatments

Treatments are performed in your doctor's office by a nurse or a trained technician and last from 15 to 90 minutes depending on the size of area treated. Treatments are associated with mild discomfort, not unlike a small rubber band snapping against skin. The discomfort is well tolerated when small areas are treated, but if large areas are treated, discomfort may interfere with the procedure. Discomfort can be minimized by the use of ice immediately prior to the laser application. Treatments usually do not require sedatives, pain medications, or injections of local anesthetic. You may return to work immediately after treatment. Unlike waxing, you may shave immediately prior to your laser hair removal. Anticipate that your treated skin may turn pale purple, and this will persist for several days. Some areas may scab and blister temporarily.


Cost ranges from $100 to $1000 per session. The more areas treated, the more you pay in general. Laser Hair Removal is Not Permanent Laser hair removal has never been proven to be permanent. Advertising laws, however, allow the providers to claim that it is permanent if it lasts for at least three months. More than likely, you have heard these claims before. Do not be deceived, this treatment is not permanent.

Avoid the Sun

As with all laser therapies, you should avoid unprotected sun for three to six months afterward to prevent sunburn and dark discoloration. You may also develop light spots on your treated areas. Both problems usually normalize within a few weeks. Wearing sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher will help protect you from dark discoloration. If you like to tan, this can be a problem, as quarterly or biannual treatments will prohibit tanning year around.

Dr. Loftus by herself

About Dr. Loftus

Dr. Loftus is a female plastic surgeon who is considered a national authority on plastic surgery, having appeared on numerous talk shows as an expert. Her book has become a best-selling book on plastic surgery and has earned her the reputation as a vocal advocate of patient safety, satisfaction, and education in plastic surgery. No wonder her patients have such great things to say about her…
Dr. Loftus and her staff
My results are amazing - Dr. Loftus is amazing!
My friends can't believe how natural I look!
I had no pain after surgery and recovery was so easy.
The entire experience was fabulous!
I am a nurse who has worked with many doctors, Dr. Loftus is the best!
The care was exceptional and results are incredible!
My results are better than I ever imagined!
Dr. Loftus is a rare surgeon: highly skilled, personable and compassionate!
My experience from start to finish was completely extraordinary!
Awesome results from a skilled and caring doctor.
I love love love Dr. Loftus and everyone in the office!
I've never felt so comfortable and understood in a doctor's office.
I felt so comfortable and barely had any pain at all.
I never knew I could look this good! Thank you Dr. Loftus!!!
Never met such a warm and caring staff anywhere else.
If only every doctor could be like Dr. Loftus, how very fortunate we would be.

Reviews on Loftus Plastic Surgery Center

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TV Appearances of Dr. Loftus

Interview with Local12 WKRC

Dr. Loftus
on Local12 WKRC

Interview with The View

Dr. Loftus
on The View

Interview with The Today Show

Dr. Loftus
on The Today Show

Interview with MSNBC

Dr. Loftus

Interview with Later Today

Dr. Loftus
on Later Today

Interview with Later Today

Dr. Loftus
on Later Today

Interview with CNN

Dr. Loftus
on CNN

Cincinnati: The Christ Hospital2139 Auburn Avenue, Suite 201
Cincinnati, OH 45219
(513) 793-4000
5 minutes from downtown Cincinnati,
At the Christ Medical Office Building

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Northern Kentucky1881 Dixie Highway, Suite 300
Fort Wright, KY 41011
3 minutes from downtown Cincinnati &
visible from I-71/75

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